Wednesday 6 February 2013

Discuss the major problems faced by Henry VIII throughout his reign

Henry VIII is one of the most well known kings in English history; but why?

Henry’s story is complicated and interesting; full of ups and downs. He faced many problems in his life, and got through 6 wives!

He started life not knowing he would ever become king, let alone at the age of 18! He had an older brother, Arthur, who would become king before him; so Henry was brought up into the Catholic Church. He studied many subjects, including languages, grammar, theology, history, rhetoric, logic, philosophy, arithmetic, logic, literature, geometry, and music.

But on 2nd April 1502 Arthur died, leaving his wife, Catherine of Aragon, a widow. Henry and Catherine married, and got on quite well. Catherine bore him six children, including three sons, but all died except one daughter named Mary who was born in 1516.

As Henry desperately wanted a son, Catherine was under a lot of pressure to produce a male heir, so their relationship became worse. Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn, the mistress of Catherine , who  was elegant and well educated. Henry asked the Pope for an annulment of his marriage. He argued that his marriage to Catherine was cursed, because the Bible said that you cannot marry your sister-in-law. The Pope denied the annulment, he didn’t want to admit he had been wrong when he had allowed their marriage in the first place. Catherine also opposed the annulment. Henry needed a solution.

In 1534 The Act of Supremacy declared Henry “the only Supreme Head in Earth of the Church of England”, and Henry divorced Catherine. Henry and Anne had a secret wedding service, and Anne soon became pregnant.
Then on 25 January 1533, they had a  second marriage in London. On 28 May 1533, Cranmer declared the marriage of Henry and Anne to be valid.

Their daughter, Elizabeth, was born in September 1533. Desperate for a son; Henry started to lose interest in Anne Boleyn. In the summer of 1534 and in January 1536, two pregnancies ended in a miscarriage. By now Henry was sure that his marriage to Anne Boleyn was cursed. Henry asked Thomas Cromwell to sort it out for him.

Anne was arrested for adultery on 2nd May 1536. This was probably pushed forward by the Catholics in Henry’s court; worried by a Protestant queen in power. She was publicly executed 19th May in the Tower of London. Shortly after, Henry married her mistress Jane Seymour.

England had spent much money on war, and Henry needed more money. He decided to target the small monasteries; sending people to check them, and to find out what was going on there. A lot of information was made up; just so they could close the buildings down. He was given authority to do this by parliament, in 1534. Once the monasteries were removed, Henry sold the land and received a lot of money in the process.

Within 24 hours of Anne’s execution, Henry VIII and Jane Seymour were betrothed, and they were married on 30th May. The strange thing was; Jane never had a proper coronation. Maybe Henry wanted to make sure she was the right Queen for him?

In early 1537 Jane became pregnant. Henry was sure this would be a son, as he felt Jane was just right for him.

A boy was born in October, and he was christened on 15th October. He was named Edward. Jane attended the christening but died 24th October, and was buried in St. Georges Chapel, Windsor Castle.

Henry VIII stayed single for two years after Jane Seymour died, mourning her probably. But Thomas Cromwell had other plans. He was thinking about Henry marrying a foreign bride.

Hans Holbein, a painter, was sent to the Court of Cleves. Hans painted the two sisters; Amelia and Anne. Thomas Cromwell told Henry about the two sisters. Henry decided to marry Anne of Cleves. On January 6th, 1540 they got married. By this time Henry was also searching for a divorce.

Anne was not very suited to the literature and art which was so loved at Henry’s court; she was brought up with domestic skills. Also; Henry did not find the real Anne (not the painting) very beautiful at all, and is said to have called her the ‘Flanders Mare’! And, at this point, Henry was become a bit interested in a woman named Catherine Howard...

Anne was clever enough not to disagree with Henry, and they divorced. Anne of Cleves was given the title of the ‘King’s Sister’ and was given property, including Hover Castle; where Anne Boleyn used to live.

Catherine Howard was the daughter of Lord Edmund Howard, who was the son of the Duke of Norfolk. She was also first cousin of Anne Boleyn.

At 19 Catherine came to the court as a lady in waiting of Anne of Cleves. She caught Henry’s attention, and they married on July 28th 1540, despite her being a Catholic. Henry was 49, and his wife was only a bit more than 19!

Catherine (no wonder!) got a bit bored with Henry, and started dating other men. Archbishop Cranmer wanted to get rid of Catherine Howard because she was a Catholic, and gathered information against her. He executed 3 of her lovers and on February 15th, 1532, Henry ordered her head to be chopped off on Tower Green, and was buried near Anne Boleyn.

By now Henry was old and ill, so it was hard finding a new wife for him. At last, a woman named Catherine Parr, who was a Church of England, came along, and she and Henry were married. She had a passion for religious study, and even began to write her own book!

But, on 28th January 1547, Henry died, and was buried beside Jane Seymour; as he had requested. In his will, Henry had told who would come to the throne after him; Edward, Mary, Elizabeth. Edward VI took the throne; and was advised by a council. Catherine Parr then left to marry another man.

Henry VIII was a great king, and overcame many problems (most including love), and sorted out many religious issues. He married 6 wives, and on average executed 120 people a month! He was definitely a great and busy king!

I think the biggest reason for all the changes in his life, and in the law of England, where to do with love. Love played such a big part in this period of history, it could probably made into a soap opera!!